悲情劇中人 – Six Characters From A City Of Sadness
The six intruders on a theater set in Luigi Pirandello’s “Six characters in search of an author” are incomplete beings, locked in a tragedy with no way out, in search of recognition as whole beings, the search for an exit towards a livable reality. They subsist in a suspended space, deprived of a true identity. Their story is unfinished. They are the metaphor of the indescribable. If the directors of different eras have built their vision of the play by confronting it with the reality of their time, we are led to look at it from the angle of the news that concerns us. What can be said of the “Six characters…”, is it not valid for Taiwan too? Taiwan is a very real country that the international community does not want to recognize as such….
“A City of Sadness” by Hou Hsiao Hsien, shot in 1988 from a script by Chu Tien-Wen and Wu Nian-Zhen, is a major event in the recent history of Taiwanese cinema. He is the forerunner of a process of reflection that will lead Taiwan to democratization. For the first time, the heavy lead cover that weighed on Taiwanese culture during the years of martial law was carefully lifted and allowed to tell the story of an ordinary family caught in the grip of the violent political upheavals of its time.
Gradually, an idea took shape which is based on an imaginary link between the two materials, Pirandello’s play, and Hou Hsiao Hsien’s film script.
What if the six characters who come to introduce themselves in a theater rehearsal of Pirandello were characters from Hou Hsiao Hsien’s movie?
在 路伊吉· 皮蘭德羅的《六個尋找作者的劇中人》這部作品中,出現佔領舞台的六個人物,是被關在一部無出處的悲劇中,他們想要尋找活生生地、真實的存在。他們在時間停止的空間裡存活著,且缺乏真實身份,他們的故事未完待續,他們是不可言喻的比喻,不同時代的導演自當有該時代對此戲劇不同的看法,我們也能以我們的時代來解讀此作品。我們對《六個尋找作者的劇中人》的解讀,是否也跟我們對台灣的解讀類似?台灣是不是一個不被多數國家外交承認的真實國家?
由朱天文與吳念真選編的對話劇本,由侯孝賢電影導演於1988年拍攝成的《悲情城市》是在台灣近期電影史上具有重大迴響的作品。他是引導台灣走向民主化的反思過程的先驅。 這是第一次,在戒嚴時期被壓在台灣文化上的鉛板,小心翼翼地揭開,讓他們講述一個普通家庭在那個時代的劇烈政治起伏中的故事。
於是,關於兩作品間的虛構連結之想法逐漸成形: 我們假設皮蘭德羅戲劇中,六位闖入排演的角色是侯孝賢電影中的人物。
悲情劇中人 – Six Characters From A City Of Sadness
by Luigi Pirandello, 侯孝賢Hou Hsiao Hsien, 朱天文 Chu Tien-Wen, 吳念真 Wu Nian-Zhen, NTUA student workshop
director: Lukas Hemleb
stage manager: 邱姸菡 Qiu Yán-Hàn
musical consulting: 高健國 Gao Jian-Guo
musicians: 梁瓊文 Liáng Qióng-Wén, 許僑晏 Xu Qiáo-Yàn
public relations: 張皓寧 Zhang Hao-Ning
actors: 謝益昌 Xie Yi-Chang, 李駿宏 Li Jùn-Hóng, 陳怡蓉 Chen Yi-Rong, 游芝蕙 You Zhi-Hui, 宋俊成 Song Jun-Cheng, 張家銘 Zhang Jia-Míng, 馬家建 Ma Ka-Kin, 陳彤 Chen Tong, 蔡常湧 Cai Chang-Yong, 高小珺 Gao Xiao-Jun, 黃中佑 Huang Zhong-Yòu, 吳子權 Wu Zi-Quan, 蘇蜂勝 Su Feng-Sheng